How startups are reinventing the entire concert experience

Imagine turning an office, warehouse, retail space, or even a living room, into a somewhat secretive spot to discover, create, and share new music.

That’s exactly the idea behind Sofar Sounds which is “reimagining the live event experience” by inviting bands to perform in alternative locations across 423 cities around the globe.   

How it works

Every show aims to create an immersive experience that brings guests and artists closer together.

Sofar shows are small (average about 70 guests) and typically feature three bands with no official “opener” or “headliner”. Most Sofar tickets are sold via a lottery system, and to keep things interesting, the location and lineup are kept secret until about 24 hours before the event.

Why it works

With a 25% student discount as well as music and marketing that caters to a younger crowd, Sofar seems to be successfully engaging young millennials in live music experiences.

But the team behind Sofar recognizes that it isn’t just the thrill of the alternative ticket and venue structure. Rather, these shows are tapping into a more basic need – they’re providing an experience focused on connection, a space to discover something new, and a way to find new friends.

What’s next

Learn more about Sofar Sounds and check out BeatMap, an organization which operates with a similar model and a similar purpose: “have a great night with like-minded people [and address] one of the biggest afflictions of our generation, loneliness.”